
Publications BGOG trials.


Randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of platinum-free interval prolongation in advanced ovarian cancer: The Mito-8, MaNGO, BGOG-ov1, AGO-OVAR2.16, ENGOT-ov1, GCIG study
S. Pignata, G. Scambia, A. Bologna, S. Signoriello, I. Vergote, U. Wagner, D. Lorusso, V. Murgia, R. Sorio, G. Ferrandina, C. Sacco, G. Cormio, E. Breda, S. Cinieri, D. Natale, G. Mangili, C. Pisano, S. Chiara Cecere, M. Di Napoli, V. Salutari, F. Raspagliesi, L. Arenare, A. Bergamini, J. Bryce, G. Daniele, M.C Piccirillo, C. Gallo, F. Perrone
Pignata et al 2017

Quality-of-life analysis of the MITO-8, MaNGO, BGOG-ov1, AGO-OVAR2.16, ENGOT-ov1, GCIG study comparing platinum-based versus non-platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with partially platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer.
M.C Piccirillo, G. Scambia, A. Bologna, S. Signoriello, I. Vergote, K. Baumann, D. Lorusso, V. Murgia, R. Sorio, G. Ferrandina, C. Sacco, G. Cormio, E. Breda, S. Cinieri, D. Natale, G. Mangili, C. Pisano, S.C. Cecere, M. Di Napoli, V. Salutari, F. Raspagliesi, L. Arenare, A. Bergamini, J. Bryce, G. Daniele, C. Gallo, S. Pignata, F. Perrone
Piccirillo et al 2018


Communicating BRCA research results to patients enrolled in international clinical trials: lessons learnt from the AGO-OVAR 16 study. BMC Medical Ethics.
David J. Pulford1, Philipp Harter, Anne Floquet, Catherine Barrett, Dong Hoon Suh, Michael Friedlander, José Angel Arranz, Kosei Hasegawa, Hiroomi Tada, Peter Vuylsteke, Mansoor R. Mirza, Nicoletta Donadello, Giovanni Scambia, Toby Johnson, Charles Cox, John K. Chan, Martin Imhof, Thomas J. Herzog, Paula Calvert, Pauline Wimberger, Dominique Berton-Rigaud, Myong Cheol Lim, Gabriele Elser, Chun-Fang Xu and Andreas du Bois.
Pulford et al 2016

Incorporation of Pazopanib in Maintenance Therapy of Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. + editorial
Andreas du Bois, Anne Floquet, Jae-Weon Kim, Joern Rau, Josep M. del Campo, Michael Friedlander,Sandro Pignata, Keiichi Fujiwara, Ignace Vergote, Nicoletta Colombo, Mansoor R. Mirza, Bradley J. Monk,Rainer Kimmig, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Rongyu Zang, Ivan Diaz-Padilla, Klaus H. Baumann, Marie-Ange Mouret-Reynier, Jae-Hoon Kim, Christian Kurzeder, Anne Lesoin, Paul Vasey, Christian Marth,
Ulrich Canzler, Giovanni Scambia, Muneaki Shimada, Paula Calvert, Eric Pujade-Lauraine, Byoung-Gie Kim,Thomas J. Herzog, Ionel Mitrica, Carmen Schade-Brittinger, Qiong Wang, Rocco Crescenzo, and Philipp Harter
Du Bois et al 2014

Progression-free survival by local investigator versus independent central review: Comparative analysis of the AGO-OVAR16 Trial. Gynecologic Oncology
Anne Floquet, MD; Ignace Vergote, MD, PhD; Nicoletta Colombo, MD, PhD; Bent Fiane, MD; Bradley J Monk, MD; Alexander Reinthaller, MD; Paula Calvert, MD; Thomas J Herzog, MD; Werner Meier, MD, PhD; Jae-Weon Kim, MD, PhD; Josep M del Campo, MD; Michael Friedlander, MD, PhD; Carmela Pisano, MD; Seiji Isonishi, MD; Rocco J Crescenzo, DO; Catherine Barrett; Karrie Wang, PhD; Ionel Mitrica, PhD; Andreas du Bois
Floquet et al 2014

BRCA1/2 mutations associated with progression-free survival in ovarian cancer patients in AGO-OVAR 16 study
P. Harter, T. Johnson, D. Berton-Rigaud, S-Y. Park, M. Friedlander, J.M. del Campo, M. Shimada, F. Forget, M.R. Mirza, N. Colombo, C. Zamagni, J.K. Chan, M. Imhof, T.J. Herzog, D. O’Donnell, F. Heitz, K. King, S. Stinnett, C. Barrett, M. Jobanputra, C-F. Xu, A. du Bois
Harter et al 2016

Quality of life in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) randomized to maintenance pazopanib or placebo after first-line chemotherapy in the AGO-OVAR 16 trial. Measuring what matters – patient-centered end points in trials of maintenance therapy
M. Friedlander, J.Rau, C.K. Lee, W. Meier, A. Lesoin, J-W. Kim, A. Poveda, M.Buck, G. Scambia, M. Shimada, F. Hilpert, M.T. King, P. Debruyne, A. Bologna, S. Malander, B.J. Monk, E. Petru, P. Calvert, T.J. Herzog, C. Barrett, A. du Bois
Friedlander et al 2018

Overal survival results of AGO-OVAR16: A phase 3 study of maintenance pazopanib versus placebo in women who have not progressed after first-line chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer.
I. Vergote, A. du Bois, A. Floquet, J. Rau, J-W. Kim, J.M. del Campo, M. Friedlander, S. Pignata, K. Fujiwara, ?. Colombo, M.R. Mirza, B.J. Monk, I. Tsibulak, P.M. Calvert, T.J. Herzog, L.C. Hanker, J. Meunier, J-Y. Lee, A. Bologna, M.J. Carrasco-Alfonso, P. Harter
Vergote et al 2019


Standard first-line chemotherapy with or without nintedanib for advanced ovarian cancer (AGO-OVAR 12): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncology.
Andreas du Bois, Gunnar Kristensen, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Alexander Reuss, Sandro Pignata, Nicoletta Colombo, Ursula Denison, Ignace Vergote, Jose M del Campo, Petronella Ottevanger, Martin Heubner, Thomas Minarik, Emmanuel Sevin, Nikolaus de Gregorio, Mariusz Bidziński,Jacobus Pfi sterer, Susanne Malander, Felix Hilpert, Mansoor R Mirza, Giovanni Scambia, Werner Meier, Maria O Nicoletto, Line Bjorge,
Alain Lortholary, Martin Oliver Sailer, Michael Merger, Philipp Harter, on behalf of the AGO Study Group led Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG)/ European Network of Gynaecologic Oncology Trials Groups (ENGOT) Intergroup Consortium
Dubois et al 2015

Final results from GCIG/ENGOT/AGO-OVAR 12, a randomised placebo-controlled phase II trial of nintedanib combined with chemotherapy for newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer.
I. Ray-Coquard, D. Cibula, M.R. Mirza, A. Reuss, C. Ricci, N. Colombo, H. Koch, F. Goffin, A. Gonzalez-Martin, P.B. Ottevanger, K. Baumann, L. Bjorge, A. Lesoin, A. Burges, P. Rosenberg, M. Gropp-Meier, M. Harrela, P. Harter, J. Frenel, T. Minarik, C. Pisano, A. Hasenburg, M. Merger, A. du Bois, on behalf of the AGO Study Group-led GCIG/ENGOT intergroup Consortium
Ray-Coquard et al 2019


Safety and efficacy of single-agent bevacizumab-containing therapy in elderly patients with platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer:
Subgroup analysis of the randomised phase III AURELIA trial. Gynecologic Oncology.
Roberto Sorio, Célia Roemer-Becuwe, Felix Hilpert, Emma Gibbs, Yolanda García, Janne Kaern, Manon Huizing, PetronellaWitteveen, Flora Zagouri, David Coeffic, Hans-Joachim Lück, Antonio González-Martín, Gunnar Kristensen, Charles-Briac Levaché, Chee Khoon Lee, Val Gebski,
Eric Pujade-Lauraine.
Sorio et al 2016

Bevacizumab Combined With Chemotherapy for Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: The AURELIA Open-Label Randomized Phase III Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Eric Pujade-Lauraine, Felix Hilpert, Beatrice Weber, Alexander Reuss, Andres Poveda, Gunnar Kristensen, Roberto Sorio, Ignace Vergote, Petronella Witteveen, Aristotelis Bamias, Deolinda Pereira, Pauline Wimberger, Ana Oaknin, Mansoor Raza Mirza, Philippe Follana, David Bollag, and Isabelle Ray-Coquard
Pujade-Lauraine et al 2014

Patient-Reported Outcome Results From the Open-Label Phase III AURELIA Trial Evaluating Bevacizumab-Containing Therapy for Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Martin R. Stockler, Felix Hilpert, Michael Friedlander, Madeleine T. King, Lari Wenzel, Chee Khoon Lee,Florence Joly, Nikolaus de Gregorio, Jose´ Angel Arranz, Mansoor Raza Mirza, Roberto Sorio,Ulrich Freudensprung, Vesna Sneller, Gill Hales, and Eric Pujade-Lauraine
Stockler et al 2014

Emerging Role for Bevacizumab in Combination With Chemotherapy for Patients With Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer Journal of Clinical Oncology. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Joyce F. Liu, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA
Liu et al 2014

Bevacizumab Combined With Weekly Paclitaxel, Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin, or Topotecan in Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Analysis by Chemotherapy Cohort of the Randomized Phase III AURELIA Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Andres M. Poveda, Frédéric Selle, Felix Hilpert, Alexander Reuss, Antonella Savarese, Ignace Vergote, Petronella Witteveen, Aristotelis Bamias, Nana Scotto and Lada Mitchell, Eric Pujade-Lauraine
Poveda et al 2015


Phase II study of weekly paclitaxel/carboplatin in combination with prophylactic G-CSF in the treatment of gynecologic cancers: A study in 108 patients by the Belgian Gynaecological Oncology Group.
Ignace Vergote, Philip Debruyne, Frédéric Kridelka, Patrick Berteloot, Frédéric Amant, Brigitte Honhon, Willem Lybaert, Karin Leunen, Kurt Geldhof, Didier Verhoeven, Frédéric Forget, Peter Vuylsteke, Lionel D’Hondt, Manon Huizing, Heidi Van den Bulck, Annouschka Laenen.
Gynecologic Oncology. 2015
Vergote et al 2015


ENGOT-ov-6/TRINOVA-2: Randomised, double-blind, phase 3 study of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin plus trebananib or placebo in women with recurrent partially platinum-sensitive or resistant ovarian cancer. European Journal of Cancer.
Christian Marth, Ignace Vergote, Giovanni Scambia, Willi Oberaigner, Andrew Clamp, Regina Berger, Christian Kurzeder, Nicoletta Colombo, Peter Vuylsteke, Domenica Lorusso, Marcia Hall, Vincent Renard, Sandro Pignata, Rebecca Kristeleit, Sevilay Altintas, Gordon Rustin, Robert M. Wenham, Mansoor Raza Mirza, Peter C. Fong, Amit Oza, Bradley J. Monk, Haijun Ma, Florian D. Vogl, Bruce A. Bach.
Marth et al 2017


Trebananib or placebo versus carboplatin and paclitaxel as first-line treatment for advanced ovarian cancer (TRINOVA-3/ENGOT-ov2/GOG-3001): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial.
I. Vergote, G. Scambia, D.M. O’Malley, B. Van Calster, S. Park, J.M. del Campo, W. Meier, A. Bamias, N. Colombo, R.M. Wenham, A. Covens, C. Marth, M.R. Mirza, J.R. Kroep, H. Ma, C.A. Pickett, B.J Monk, on behalf of the TRINOVA-3/ENGOT-ov2/GOG-3001 investigators.
Vergote et al 2019


Genetic variability in drug transport, metabolism or DNA repair affecting toxicity of chemotherapy in ovarian cancer.
Lambrechts S, Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Smeets D, Debruyne PR, Renard V, Vroman P, Luyten D, Neven P, Amant F, Leunen K, Vergote I; Belgian and Luxembourg Gynaecological Oncology Group (BGOG).
BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2015 Feb 27;16(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s40360-015-0001-5.
Lambrechts et al 2015


Niraparib Maintenance Therapy in Platinum-Sensitive, Recurrent Ovarian Cancer + Supplement. The New England Journal of Medicine.
M.R. Mirza, B.J. Monk, J. Herrstedt, A.M. Oza, S. Mahner, A. Redondo, M. Fabbro, J.A. Ledermann, D. Lorusso, I. Vergote, N.E. Ben-Baruch, C. Marth, R. Madry, R.D. Christensen, J.S. Berek, A. Dorum, A.V. Tinker, A. du Bois, A. Gonzalez-Martin, P. Follana, B. Benigno, P. Rosenberg, L. Gilbert, B.J. Rimel, J. Buscema, J.P. Balser, S. Agarwal, and U.A. Matulonis, for the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA investigators.
Mirza et al 2016

Quality of life in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer treated with niraparib verus placebo (ENGOT-ov16/NOVA): results from a double-blind, phase 3, randomised controlled trial.
A.M. Oza, U.A. Matulonis, S. Malander, S. Hudgens, J. Sehouli, J.M del Campo, D. Berton-Rigaud, S. Banerjee, G. Scambia, J.S. Berek, B. Lund, A.V. Tinker, F. Hilpert, I. Palacia Vazquez, V. D’Hondt, B. Benigno, D. Provencher, J. Buscema, S. Agarwal, M.R Mirza
Oza et al 2018

Efficacy and safety of niraparib as maintenance treatment in older patients with recurrent ovarian cancer: Results from the ENGOT-ov16/NOVA trial.
M. Fabbro, K.N. Moore, A. Dorum, A.V Tinker, S. Mahner, I. Bover, S. Banerjee, G. Tognon, F. Goffin, R. Shapira-Frommer, R.M. Wenham, K. Hellman, D. Provencher, P. Harter, I. Palacio Vazquez, P. Follana, M.J. Pineda, M.R. Mirza, S.J. Hazard, U.A. Matulonis
Fabbro et al 2019

Niraparib maintenance therapy in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer after a partial response to the last platinum-based chemotherapy in the ENGOT-ov16/NOVA trial.
J.M. del Campo, U.A. Matulonis, S.Malander, D. Provencher, S. Mahner, P. Follana, J. Waters, J.S. Berek, K. Woie, A.M. Oza, U. Canzler, M. Gil-Martin, A. Lesoin, B.J. Monk, B. Lund, L. Gilbert, R.M. Wenham, B. Benigno, S. Arora, S.J. Hazard, M.R. Mirza
del Campo et al 2019

Niraparib maintenance treatment improves time without symptoms or toxicity (TWiST) versus routine surveillance in recurrent ovarian cancer: A TWiST analysis of the ENGOT-ov16/NOVA trial.
U.A. Matulonis, L. Walder, T.J. Nottrup, P. Bessette, S. Mahner, M. Gil-Martin, E. Kalbacher, J.A. Ledermann, R.W. Wenham, K. Woie, S. Lau, F. Marmé, A. Casado Herraez, A. Hardy-Bessard, S. Banerjee, G. Lindahl, B. Benigno, J. Buscema, K. Travers, H. Guy, M.R. Mirza
Matulonis et al 2019


Olaparib plus bevacizumab as first-line maintenance in ovarian cancer.
I. Ray-Coquard, P. Pautier, S. Pignata, D. Pérol, A. Gonzalez-Martin, R. Berger, K. Fujiwara, I. Vergote, N. Colombo, J. Mäenpää, F. Selle, J. Sehouli, D. Lorusso, E.M. Guerra Alia, A. Reinthaller, S. Nagao, C. Lefeuvre-Plesse, U. Canzler, G. Scambia, A. Lortholary, F. Marmé, P. Combe, N. De Gregorio, M. Rodrigues, P. Buderath, C. Dubot, A. Burges, B. You, E. Pujade-Lauraine, P. Harter, for the PAOLA-1 investigators.
Ray-Coquard et al 2019


Niraparib in patiens with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer.
A. Gonzalez-Martin,B. Pothuri, I. Vergote, R. DePont Christensen, W. Graybill, M.R. Mirza, C. McCormick, D. Lorusso, P. Hoskins, G. Freyer, K. Baumann, K. Jardon, A. Redondo, R.G. Moore, C. Vulsteke, R.E. O’Cearbhaill, B. Lund, F. Backes, P. Barretina-Ginesta, A.F. Haggerty, M.J. Rubio-Pérez, M.S. Shahin, G. Mangili, W.H. Bradley, I. Bruchim, K. Sun, I.A. Malinowska, Y. Li, D. Gupta, B.J. Monk, for the PRIMA/ENGOT-ov26/GOG-3012 investigators.
Gonzalez et al 2019


Requirements ENGOT trials acad groups_industry 2015

Clinical trials brochure ENGOT 2015

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ENGOT roadmap 2013


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